Students helping Students Initiative

The need in Western North Carolina and beyond is great. So great that we can’t do it alone. We are trying to make sure over 100 schools get Battle Pups into their hands so that they know they don’t have to face these days alone. We are asking schools in uneffected areas to partner with us to fundraise on behalf of the schools in need.


Thank you to Bloom Carroll Local schools to be the first in coming alongside us to complete this vision!

Last Day to order your WTB Merch!

New online merch shop open through Sunday, November 17th

☑️ Christmas gifts
☑️ Support a worthwhile mission
☑️ Wear clothes with a message everyone needs
Also, surprise bonus!!! Buy your Through the Battle books for only $16!!!!

the mission fulfilled

Here is a glimpse of the impact…

“Thank You Way to Battle Brady! The Battle Pup is awesome! When I opened the bag can’t put into words the way it makes you feel. No one battles alone!”

Dave B.

- Warrior

“You and your family really have helped our school, team, and students feel loved and supported in the worst days of our lives. I delivered pups to his siblings yesterday and their eyes lit up. You are amazing!”

Coach Scott

- Warrior

“Sometimes we just want to forget the bad days. Thursday was not a shining moment for us, until our lives were touched by you, and now I don’t want to forget that bad Thursday any more, I want to remember it forever.”

Kelley N.

- Warrior