Is your school walking through a trauma?
Does your department help those in crisis?
Are you in a position to reach those who are battling?
Everyday we are forming new partnerships with schools, hospitals, first responders, counselors, case workers, and those on the front lines of the battle to help warriors who are walking a hard road. Our Battle Pups are known to help break down walls and start conversations. They are a tangible reminder to the warrior holding them that they aren’t facing their battle alone, but rather their battle is seen, known, and felt. And most importantly, that they have been armed with strength for whatever hard days they are walking through.
So whether it is grief, loss, depression, trauma, anxiety, divorce, illness, injuries, assault, you name it, we want to help.
Way to Battle and Battle Pups are here to come alongside your school, department, or office to make sure no one battles alone. Fill out the form on the Battle Pups page to request Battle Pups and begin a partnership with us today.

Teacher Classroom Kit Resources
Below is everything you need to get your Classroom Battle Pup Mail Station going! We hope it is a blessing to both you and your students.
Feel like a Classroom Battle Pup Mail Station could be useful for you or your building?
Go to the Battle Pups page and request one!
Teacher Classroom Kit Resources
Classroom Kit: Download the Teacher Welcome Flyer here
Classroom Kit: Battle Pup Drawing Letter Template (suggested for students PreK-2nd Grade) – 2/page
Classroom Kit: Battle Pup Drawing Letter Template (suggested for students PreK-2nd Grade) – 4/page
Classroom Kit: Battle Pup Writing Letter Template (suggested for students 3rd Grade and up) – 2/page
Classroom Kit: Battle Pup Writing Letter Template (suggested for students 3rd Grade and up) – 4/page
Classroom Kit: Intro Video for Teachers (also featured above)
Classroom Kit: Intro Video for Students
Classroom Kit: Mailbox Upgrade Ideas
Mailbox #1 (Like in Brooke’s video)
Click here for purchase link
Mailbox #2
Click here for purchase link